Friday, January 6, 2012

Tip Top Shape?? 2012 Resolutions

Sitting around a table of friends asking what is your New Years Resultions, with the odd they are crap people never stick to them remarks, came about much conversation about being fit and in shape for 2012. Alike mine I am forever wanting to be fit healthy and happy, so in serch of ticking these off my list I have gathered some information for all you other people who are searching to be fit, healthy and happy this 2012.

A few basics:
1. Cardio to burn calories and help your heart and lungs work more efficiently,
2. Strength training to build lean muscle tissue while strengthening your bones, muscles and joints, flexibility exercises to improve your range of motion, and rest so your body can recover and grow stronger.

I love love love to run and take the dog for a stroll around the city! A goal is to run the Gold Coast Half Marathon join in if you wish!!!
To get in Shape With Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise includes any rhythmic activity that gets you into your target heart rate zone. The options are endless, including walking, running, aerobics, cycling, swimming and dancing. You can even use daily chores like raking leaves or shoveling snow, if you can keep the movement consistent enough to raise your heart rate.
How to get started:
1.Choose any cardio activity that's accessible and enjoyable.
2.Schedule your cardio workouts for at least 3 days a week.
3.Begin your workout with a comfortable 5-10 minute warm up to gradually increase your heart rate.
4.Increase your intensity by going faster, adding hills, resistance or incline (or a combination) until you're just out of your comfort zone (Level 5 or 6 on the Perceived Exertion Scale).
5.Maintain that pace for 15-30 minutes or for as long as you can, adjusting your intensity as needed to stay at Level 5 or 6.
6.End your workout with a cool down and stretch.
7.Each week, increase your workout time by a few minutes until you can work continuously for 30 minutes a session.
8.Progress by adding more workout days, trying new activities and/or adding more intensity.

MAKE IT FUN! Go do things with girl friends Boot camps are great for this type of thing!

Get in Shape with Strength Training

The other part of your workout program is strength training with a focus on working all the major muscle groups. And just to be frank you will never bulk up if is physically impossible for women! Now we have that out of the way; How to get started:
1.Choose about 8-10 exercises, targeting the major muscle groups, including the lower body, chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps and abs.
2.If you're a beginner, do 1 set of 15 reps for each exercise. Choose weights that allow you to complete 15 reps - the last rep should be hard, but not impossible.
3.Do your strength workout 2-3 times a week with at least one day of rest in between.
4.Progress each week by adding a set (until you're up to a total of 3 sets per exercise), using heavier weights or trying new exercises.
Look Great while working out not too hard when you have Camelia Carlton! Blingy and colourful just what you need when hitting the gym in style in 2012! Xx

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